From the Desk of an EFAC Alumna: Striding in the Marketplace
Originally published in EFAC’s Wezesha Magazine, Special Issue 2024
Growing up in Meru County, my early life was marked by both hope and hardship. Born into a low-income home, the financial strain on my family was exacerbated by my father's prolonged battle with a throat tumor. With my family's financial resources dwindling, my dreams of pursuing education beyond the eighth grade seemed increasingly out of reach.
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Why EFAC Feels Like Family
Originally published in EFAC’s Wezesha Magazine, Special Issue 2024
I cannot trace the exact moment I figured out that I had a love for mentorship. However, from a young age, all the way into my teenage years, I knew I did not know a lot of things. I did not know what high school to pick during selection, I did not know if I got in how we would manage the school fees, and I did not know how life would look if that was not a possibility—but it was, thanks to EFAC.
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Shining My Star on Others: EFAC Alumna Reflection on Mentoring
Originally published in EFAC’s Wezesha Magazine, Special Issue 2024
I cannot trace the exact moment I figured out that I had a love for mentorship. However, from a young age, all the way into my teenage years, I knew I did not know a lot of things. I did not know what high school to pick during selection, I did not know if I got in how we would manage the school fees, and I did not know how life would look if that was not a possibility—but it was, thanks to EFAC.
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Alumna Reflection: A New Era for Sustainability
The tech world (one that I am crazy about), is predominantly male-dominated, but recently, women have made deliberate strides to bridge this gap. The truth is, if we want to achieve holistic societal development, then the world of science and technology has to carry women and girls with it.
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Reflections on the EFAC Experience with Simon Mwangi
My career journey began in high school after discovering my passion for working with communities. I want to use my professional knowledge and skills to help people make the most of their own abilities and empower them to be the best they can be. Becoming a social worker is not just a career to me, it is a vocation.
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On Overcoming Obstacles with EFAC Alumna Everlyne
Evelyne joined EFAC in 2015 and attended Naivasha Girls School. She recently graduated from Cooperative University College of Kenya with a diploma in Public Relations.
I can’t really compare the person that I am now to the person I was 7 years ago. Probably I would not have accessed my secondary and college education and EFAC made that possible for me.
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Power of EFAC's Mentorship Program
EFAC Alumnus Collins Owino describes the importance of developing meaningful mentorship relationships and building your networks.
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